Developing You
Birmingham City University's principal assets are its employees. Training needs are met in a variety of ways such as through external courses provided by specialists, personal tuition by previously trained staff, job rotation or special skills courses run within the University. When you join us you will be encouraged to take advantage of training opportunities to enable you to improve personal and team performance.
In order to encourage staff to improve their skills and abilities, Birmingham City University may provide financial assistance to staff who take recognised courses in their own time. Such courses must be directly related to your current role or to responsibilities that are likely to be assigned to you in the future.
Our policy is to actively support staff in undertaking training and qualifications that add value to the individual and the University.
Promotional Opportunities
You may be promoted to a higher grade as a result of one of the processes below:
By applying for and being appointed to another post which has been either internally or externally advertised.
By being asked to take on a revised set of duties which carry a greater level of responsibility.
By being successful in an application for re-grading.