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Individual Performance Review

Birmingham City University believes that its future depends on the efforts of its employees working effectively together, with each employee having important responsibilities in helping the University to achieve its objectives. Birmingham City University conducts and individual performance review (“IPR”) to provide a forum for you to agree these responsibilities and to help you to achieve them. The specific objectives of the scheme are to:

  • clarify the role occupied at Birmingham City University and to discuss its development:
  • help improve job performance;
  • discuss the previous year’s performance;
  • agree objectives for the next year;
  • improve communication between staff and managers;
  • provide the opportunity to discuss job satisfaction issues;
  • identify training and development needs; and
  • explore career aspirations.

The review is a a two-way process in which staff play a full role by: 

  • Contributing to their personal development;
  • Identifying and agreeing the key areas and performance measures for the job for the year ahead;
  • Identifying the support, help and training they will need;
  • Assessing their own performance.
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